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Lost Fawn Mistakes German Shepherd For Its Mom, Follows Her For Snuggles

Sharia is cariag!
A 7-month-old German Shepherd, named Iris, has recently started K9 training with her owner, Adria Flores. Adria takes Iris out for a walk every morning along a trail in Southern Pines, North Carolina.
The dog signaled that they were being followed by a yog faw during a recet walk.The fawn seemed particularly interested in Iris. Adria says that it’s because Iris resembles her mother far more than he does! The fawn was visibly frightened. But that’s when Iris stepped in to check on the helpless baby deer.


For a short time, Iris stayed with the baby deer, licking and squeaking with the fawn until she calmed down. The fawn got so comfortable with Iris that she begged to cuddle up to her and let her relax.


The fawn actually smelled something familiar. His mother’s scet or the scet of his bed, he said goodbye to Iris and Adria, and trotted back to the brsh. Adria expresses pride in his papa and is taken aback by her companion’s reaction to the feast. We’d like to believe that this was just two babies comforting each other while another needed it. If you liked this story, please leave a like or share. Thaпk yoυ.