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Rescue group concerned after pink pigeon found in Manhattan park

Birds | May 9, 2023 11:24 AM | hangbony

A rescue group in Manhattan is expressing concern after a pink pigeon was found in a local park. The unique coloration of the bird has raised questions about its origin and well-being. The rescue group is working to determine if the pigeon is a domesticated bird that escaped or if it belongs to a rare […]

Unraveling the Secrets of the Chocolate Brown Bird, A Comprehensive Handbook

Birds | | hangbony

The Chocolate Brown Bird is not only a fascinating species but also a highly important one. It plays a significant role in its ecosystem and is a key indicator of the health of its habitat. In this comprehensive handbook, we will delve deeper into the world of the Chocolate Brown Bird, exploring its behavior, diet, […]

The Black and Yellow Broadbill’s cartoonish charm is a bird lover’s ultimate delight.

Birds | | hangbony

The black and yellow broadbill, also known as the Eurylaimidae, is a species of bird found in parts of Southeast Asia. As its name suggests, this bird is known for its striking black and yellow feathers. The upper part of the black and yellow broadbill is primarily black, while the lower part is bright yellow. […]

This magnificent wandering bird follows the rain wherever it may go and is practically incandescent!

Birds | May 4, 2023 3:11 PM | hangbony

A male of this vividly colored songbird has black wings with thin, pale wing bars during the breeding season, along with a scarlet crown and belly, gray back, white neck, and black mask.

Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill

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The males of the southern yellow-billed hornbill (Tockus leucomelas) have a casque over their long, yellow decurved beak. Around the eyes, below the eyes, and at the base of the bill, they have naked red flesh. They have yellow eyes. They have a gray core to their crown that extends to their nape, and a […]

beauty of nature. Hoopoe Bird

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The Hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a charming bird with a prominent crest that is frequently left in a spread-out stance. The head, neck, mantle, and underparts region of the mature male are covered in pinkish plumage. There is more white on the belly and rump. Round wings with a tendency for black and white barring […]

Exceptionally colorful with a pale blue cap and an electric yellow waistcoat.

Birds | | hangbony

The golden-rumped euphonia (Chlorophonia cyanocephala) weighs about 14 g and is between 11 and 11.5 cm long. The male has a lustrous bluish-black back, cheeks, and throat; the female’s crown and nape are light blue; and the underparts and urpigium are bright yellow.

Crimson-collared Tanager

Birds | | hangbony

Small Mesoamerican songbird Ramphocelus sanguinolentus is known as the Crimson-collared Tanager. Adult plumage is black with a crimson collar encompassing the nape, neck, and breast, and is an average length of 19-20 cm (7.5-8 in). The tail coverts are all red as well. The legs are a light shade of blue-gray, and the beak is […]

Orange head ‘warts,’ copper-colored wings, and iridescent blue-gold eyespots, all combine to create a large, highly distinctive gamebird!

Birds | | hangbony

Orange head ‘nodules,’ copper-colored wing panel, and iridescent blue-and-gold eyespots all combine to create a large, distinctive, spectacular gamebird! Meet The Ocellated turkey The ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is a species of turkey that is the showy tropical cousin of the world’s only other turkey species, the ever-familiar Thanksgiving bird. Watching a strutting male do […]

Temminck’s Tragopan Displaying

Birds | | hangbony

Wow! Awesome bird and it has so much cool stuff to show! Lovely footage, Jaap! Thank you for sharing. Have a happy week ahead, my dear friend!

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