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Three Brave Boys Catch Big Snake

Animals | January 6, 2022 1:51 AM | hangbony

Wow the way that little boy climed that tree fast I’ve never seen nobody climb a tree as fast as that boy did he was magnificent and to top it off they sure were brave going after that snake great job. God bless them three boys. Children and even a lot of adults in America […]

Giraffe Gets Tire Stuck Around Her Neck.

Animals | | hangbony

A perfect example of how people can right a wrong. Cheers to the Vetrinary staff on removing a tire from around this giraffe’s neck while at the same time protecting her from further harm and treating her wound. Well done 🙂 For anyone wondering: They had to hold him down until the sedative wore off […]

Traffic halts as Giant Anaconda Crosses Road in Brazil

Animals | | hangbony

The flow of vehicular movement came to a standstill in Brazil as a colossal anaconda made its way across the road. The massive reptile caused a significant disruption to the traffic, prompting drivers to stop and observe the spectacle. The incident highlights the need for caution and vigilance while navigating through areas that are home […]

Owl attacked by hawk.

Birds | January 5, 2022 12:16 AM | hangbony

This morning, a barn owl was attacked by a hawk right in front of me. I was walking my dog and right before me, a barn owl was attacked by a hawk and struck down from a palm tree. I saw everything in real action and I wish I had my camera at that moment. […]

While catching fish, he heard an old lady’s cry for help.

Animals | January 4, 2022 2:49 PM | hangbony

Those who are reading the comment with their lovely eyes, may God bless their parents with a long life. Looks like the snake was deliberately pulled there, the marks are still new, really. That’s the only place in that hole field to hide ,plus how many they put there before making this video. These snakes […]

OMG! C.razy Leopards Atta.ck C.aused The Man To Almost L.o.s.e His Life.

Animals | | hangbony

This content is mixed between fact and fiction. Our team strives to provide original content where we work on all elements from voiceovers, sound effects, original scripts, combining several videos where most of them we have the right to use them legally. It is difficult to guarantee all copyright protection, we always try to communicate […]

Leopard attac.ks on dog – s.hoc.king videos.

Animals | | hangbony

It’s s.ca.ry how silent felines can be, imagine a tiger approaching to you and you don’t even notice. It’s really s.a.d that leopards have to come into cities in search of food. So if dogs have a much superior sense of hearing than humans, and that leopard was able to creep up and stand over […]

A bite of a cobra is the price paid by the snake worker when he makes a mistake

Snakes | | hangbony

A bite of a cobra is an unfortunate consequence experienced by snake workers when they make a mistake. Snake handling is a dangerous job that requires a high level of skill and knowledge, and a mistake can have serious consequences. When a snake worker makes a mistake, they are at risk of being bitten by […]

The 7 giant snakes in the world in history .. !!

Animals | | hangbony

This content is mixed between fact and fiction. Our team strives to provide original content where we work on all elements from voiceovers, sound effects, original scripts, combining several videos where most of them we have the right to use them legally. It is difficult to guarantee all copyright protection, we always try to communicate […]

Young elephant survives attack by 14 Lions.

Animals | | hangbony

After straying from his mother, a 1-year-old elephant survived a vicious attack by 14 lions at the Norman Carr Safaris Chinzombo Camp in Zambia. Clearly outnumbered, the baby elephant managed to get away unscathed despite having three of the lionesses on his back at one point. The dramatic incident was captured on video when journalist […]

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