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Maine Coon Cat: Trust And Love Between Cat And Owner.

Cat | May 23, 2022 8:37 AM | hangbony

Props to the owner, 80% of the people filming this would have literally tried to force the animal further and further in. That woman gives the cat its freedom just as it should be – I respect you and you respect me. Beautiful cat by the way, I wasn’t expecting that gorgeous face when she […]

The Lovely Cat Train Is Now Leaving!

Cat | | hangbony

I like how all the cats participate in all the activities done by the owner. I’m surprised that the cats all stayed in their boxes and didn’t keep jumping out. You can tell her cats love & trust her. They’re all just going along with it. Cutest thing ever!! You know you’re a good owner […]

Cats are unstoppable! Compilation of funny videos with cats for a good mood!

Cat | | hangbony

Really cute video. Kinda got concerned about the poor cat shown at around 1:50 into the video. Cats usually do that when they have a headache. It can even be as bad as early sign of a brain tumor. If it’s real bad, Sometimes they press their heads at corner of the room to get […]

The herd still hungers.

Cat | | hangbony

The crunching noises they make is so satisfying though. Imagine someone moving into this house and being confused why a herd of cats are meowing on their porch. I can’t be the only one that wants to cuddle with all these kitties Five years later and that chunky light brown one still doesn’t put in […]


Cat | | hangbony

When I was a child, I lived with my aunt and uncle, and she would feed this cat that was hidden under a office trailer in the middle of an abandoned car dealership. I remember she feed him for a long time and then finally he was comfortable enough to come close and she brought […]

Online leaks include a horrifying image of a park guard cuddling a gorilla whose mother was murdered by poachers.

Love & Cute | | hangbony

This poor mountain gorilla simply cannot handle the pain. The terrified gorilla is visibly and dramatically expressing anguish by clinging to park ranger Patrick Karabaranga. The Virunga National Park in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is where the picture was taken. The gorilla thanks Patrick by resting his hand on the park ranger’s […]


News | May 20, 2022 11:46 PM | hangbony

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News | May 11, 2022 2:33 AM | hangbony


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