A squirrel is being stalked by a cat. The squirrel is snacking, completely oblivious to his precarious condition. This appears to be yet another example of the workplace food chain, but guess what? It’s not the case. The squirrel makes a few moves and turns the tables on the cat, a.dop.ting an a.ggres.sive stance and a fer.oci.ous determination that leaves the cat empty-handed. Never underestimate a squirrel; they are tough and can surprise you at any time.
This cat appears to be a caracal, but I’m not certain. What I’m certain of is that it wants to eat this squirrel, and the squirrel employs every tri.ck in the book to avoid the cat’s grasp. It moves left and right, but the cat is quick, and the squirrel eventually runs out of tri.cks, and the cat catches him, and what was supposed to happen happens. It’s time for the caracal to eat.
A squirrel clings to a peacock’s train, but the peacock does not appreciate it and drags the squirrel all over the ground until the small rodent gets the message and lets go. This dispute ends when the two animals stare at each other, but I thought it was a brave move by the squirrel to take on such a massive bird. Here’s a peacock that opens up its train to d.azz.le this squirrel, or to s.ca.re the squirrel away, whichever the case may be. After a few seconds of staring at the peacock, the squirrel bolted. He must have been perplexed as to why there were so many feathers.