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This feat was captured in the camera, otherwise I cannot believe how many snakes are in the old house.

sir you are doing a very good work. people in my locality k.ill snakes even when they are not p.oisonous. we need more snake catchers.

Marlee Jee, you are great. While you catch so deadly, p.iosonous n snakes, please take care of yourself too. Keep on serving the society.

Really you are great sir in one hand you are saving people lives in other hand you are s.a.v.i.n.g those innocent animals one grateful salute for your work and w.ors.hip and your kindness towards those animals.

Wow bhaiya thanks for saving p.recious lives of people and u r doing such a nice job by saving lives and saving nature balance.

How would ANYONE ever feel safe living there? NOT ME EVER! I don’t know how they can even do anything there let alone sleeping @ night! To have children and babies & myself w p.oison.ous snakes around? I’d be leaving Dodge. See ya- wouldn’t wanna be ya!