This smart dog loves water!

So cute. She is soooo engaged. That is the best thing ever, watching her go at it. So captivating I could watch her forever. And the pounces at the water! She’s a beautiful!

that dog is awesome has the spirit from the heavens. This is the best video I’ve seen in a long time. I love hearing her little yips while doing her digging!! She’s so happy!

Healers are great outdoor dogs. This one is trying to work as hard and fast as possible. Just to try and make things right. Beautiful Dog, great video. I use to do the same thing when I was her age.

I’m speechless.. really.. She moved so fast and with such purpose it was a sight to behold.. What a dog.. breed her quickly and hopefully you’ll get a few more.. no, bad idea. Not only does she dig it but she entertains us with her movements and small acrobatic moves.. thanks so much for posting this.. I’m an person so she stole my heart away almost forgot.. That FACE!!!!

Dogs are so much more smarter than we humans give them credit for. She is so enthusiastic about that water. Sorry to hear you Dad has ALS , hope that he continues to find comfort in the videos and you get to create memories for as long as possible.

This is NOT fun or herding for the dog. This is HIGH ANXIETY OCD BEHAVIOUR. My cattle dog does exactly the same, with shadows. This is really sad. Dog does NOT love it.

She really enjoys the water flowing. Full of joy and happiness and excitement. She’s so good and so much fun to watch. I bet the whole family get a kick out of the way she does her thing. Thank you for sharing your precious story. Gorgeous girl!

That is so awesome how a precious dog that no es when his master needs help animals r blessed by God to serve and protect.

Sissy is a nearly four-year-old cattle dog who is obsessed with water when it is dumped out of water troughs or buckets. She’s a peculiar dog. My father has ALS, and the TikTok was created because he adores this dog. I used to make videos to send to him, and one day after receiving one, he called to tell me that I should put her on the internet so that the rest of the world could see her. Sissy works alongside me on a horse farm every day and has the best life a dog could ask for, On March 19, 2021, in Stokesdale, North Carolina, USA, Thank you for like and share.

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