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King Cobra eats Rat Snake!

Animals | August 31, 2022 10:14 AM | hangbony

The King Cobra, a venomous snake species, has been observed consuming a Rat Snake, a non-venomous species. This predatory behavior is not uncommon among snakes, as they are known to consume other snakes as a source of food. The King Cobra, known for its aggressive nature and potent venom, is a formidable predator in the […]

This Crazy! Anteater Easily Defeats Leopard Thanks To Its Long Beak

Animals | August 30, 2022 11:40 PM | hangbony

Anteaters are known for their impressive beaks, which can measure up to two feet long. But it appears that their most powerful weapon is their beak, as one anteater was recently able to defeat a leopard in an unexpected battle. The incident occurred in Brazil, when a female anteater was seen fighting off a leopard […]

15 epic bird attacks caught on camera

Birds | | hangbony

Many birds are fearless predators, and they can tackle a variety of prey. Have you ever seen the kookaburra in action? What about the snake eagle? A bald eagle and a coyote fight over a fresh deer carcass. When a coyote comes to annoy it for a taste of the k.i.ll, the eagle charges it […]

Lion vs Buffalo. One Lioness attacks a buffalo

Animals | August 29, 2022 11:52 PM | hangbony

The African savannah is a wild and untamed land filled with many dangerous and powerful creatures. One of the most remarkable sights to behold is the battle between a lion and a buffalo. Recently, a lioness in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve was caught on camera taking down a buffalo in a daring attack. The […]


Animals | August 24, 2022 8:54 AM | hangbony

The world was in shock recently when a giant snake was filmed capturing and consuming a cow in the bush. The incident, which took place in the Northern Territory of Australia, was captured on camera and quickly went viral. The video showed the enormous snake, believed to be an olive python, slowly but surely wrapping […]

15 Moments When Snakes Messed With The Wrong Opponents

Animals | | hangbony

The following article highlights 15 instances where snakes encountered adversaries that proved to be too formidable for them. These incidents showcase the dangers of underestimating one’s opponent, even for a creature as feared as a snake. The accounts range from a mongoose taking on a cobra to a group of monkeys attacking a python. The […]

Never seen such an amazing feat before, How to rescue 3 python snakes together in such a crowd

Animals | | hangbony

One of the best things about dude is that he never takes credit for himself when he achieves something. He always respects us, The audience, and his team, and he is always polite in all of his videos. We congratulate ourselves on this achievement. More to come and everything to come. My dear Murliwale Bhaiya, […]

Elephant Vs Elephant fight

Animals | | hangbony

We are lucky to still be able to witness these magnificent animals, their power, their infrasound, their gestures, and their strength, will it last? Only in nature, we can see these scenes, in zoos. I don’t understand the ton of red thumbs in this video, We just show two wild animals fighting to be the […]

Leopard Teaches Cubs How to Cross the Road

Animals | | hangbony

The leopard, a majestic and powerful creature, imparts its wisdom to its young cubs, instructing them on the art of crossing the road. This educational endeavor is of utmost importance, as it ensures the safety and survival of the cubs in their natural habitat. The leopard, with its keen senses and vast experience, demonstrates the […]

Rabbits in heat

Animals | | hangbony

He must be young because she’s presenting herself to him and he doesn’t make his move. After a few attempts, she gives up and starts grooming herself, the poor boy seems confused. he must be a younger bunny. Usually, when a female presents herself ready a male would just go to town. What’s funny is […]

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