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Caught On The Camera Elephants Slide Into The Small Canal

Elephant | October 28, 2022 9:12 AM | hangbony

The occurrence of elephants sliding into a small canal has been captured on camera. The footage depicts the majestic creatures gracefully navigating the narrow waterway. The incident is a testament to the adaptability and agility of these magnificent animals. The footage serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving natural habitats and ecosystems, as […]

Angry Baby, what did the father do to make Baiboon so angry

Elephant | | hangbony

The infant appeared to be in a state of agitation, emitting loud and persistent cries that suggested a high level of displeasure. The cause of the infant’s distress was not immediately apparent, but it was clear that the situation required urgent attention. The caregivers present were observed to be attempting to soothe the infant, but […]

300+ elephants gather to pay last respects to their leader and caress his corpse

Elephant | | hangbony

Over 300 elephants have congregated to pay their final respects to their leader and tenderly caress his remains. The solemn gathering, which took place in a remote region, was a poignant display of the deep emotional bonds that exist within elephant communities. The touching scene was a testament to the remarkable intelligence and social complexity […]

Wildlife Medics – Speared Elephant Rescue – Kenya

Elephant | | hangbony

The Wildlife Medics team in Kenya recently conducted a successful rescue operation of an elephant that had been speared by poachers. The team, consisting of experienced veterinarians and rangers, worked tirelessly to stabilize the injured animal and remove the spear. The elephant was then transported to a nearby rehabilitation center for further treatment and recovery. […]

Brave officers gently treated Elephant begging for life with deep septic injuries all over its body

Elephant | | hangbony

The wildlife authorities are returning to the jungle today to assist a poor giant who is suffering from injuries all over his body. The elephant was hurt around a month ago after being hit by a trap gun, according to speculation. Authorities were notified by villagers that they had seen an elephant limping, and after […]

A bull with a horrendous snare wound is saved

Elephant | | hangbony

A bovine animal afflicted with a severe injury caused by a trap has been rescued. The bull had sustained a ghastly wound due to the snare, but was fortunate enough to be discovered by a compassionate individual who promptly contacted the appropriate authorities. The animal was then transported to a veterinary facility where it received […]

Critically Injured Elephant Calf Rescued By Wildlife Trust

Elephant | | hangbony

A wildlife trust has successfully rescued a critically injured elephant calf. The calf was found in a dire condition, with severe injuries that required immediate medical attention. The trust’s team of experts provided the necessary care and treatment, and the calf is now on the road to recovery. This rescue operation highlights the importance of […]

An Elephant with life-threatening injuries gets a chance thanks to kind people

Elephant | | hangbony

A pachyderm has become ensnared in a well, its body covered in mud. The situation is dire and requires immediate attention. The animal’s well-being is at risk and prompt action is necessary to ensure its survival. It is imperative that a team of trained professionals be dispatched to the location to assess the situation and […]

Helping hand to poor Elephant starving for three days in an abandoned well

Elephant | | hangbony

Today is a day for rescue operations. The police are making their way through a dense jungle. Underneath the trees is an agricultural area. A fallen elephant is visible in a well. These wells are built inside the grounds to aid in agricultural activity. The Elephant has reportedly been present for almost three days. Since […]

Faith in Humanity restored. An elephant stucked by a canal saved by humans

Elephant | | hangbony

A pachyderm has become ensnared in a well, its body covered in mud. The situation is dire and requires immediate attention. The animal’s well-being is at risk and prompt action is necessary to ensure its survival. It is imperative that a team of trained professionals be dispatched to the location to assess the situation and […]

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