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Osprey in Finland – hawk attack.

Birds | December 10, 2021 2:03 AM | hangbony

I love how one of them sits on top of its brethern or sisters to make sure the hawk cant fly off even when its trying to push him off very brave. I know it’s just nature but I’m so sad for that chick who tried to fight. He was brave and yet he was […]

hawk vs jackdaw You will be surprised! Sparrowhawk vs The Jackdaw.

Birds | | hangbony

heard a lot of noise outside my window so decided to check it out, and there was a hawk that had caught a bird, recorded as good as i could. The animal was already injured before I started to record. It would not have survived even if I tried to save it. The jackdaw would […]


Animals | | hangbony

Interesting to grab a coat because the old coat can hunt dogs. Maybe it’s an inexperienced new coat. On YouTube there is a video of a jaguar coming out worse with an old raccoon. Coatis have very sharp teeth and the elderly usually bend down to protect their heads and wait for the hunting dog […]

He Should Have Run Instead of Begging.

Animals | | hangbony

Monkeys are usually pretty easy to catch, which makes them a primary target for all kinds of predators as we’re about to see. Ok theres a little difference between a leopard and a tiger. So when I hear that tigers aren’t as skilled to climb trees like lepards are. I think about how large a […]

Great Migration River Crossing Masai Mara, Kenya – Zebras.

Animals | December 9, 2021 2:29 PM | hangbony

I’m a woman and I find them annoying af too. I do not understand people who do not want to watch this sort of thing, go on tours like this. It makes no sense. What did they think would happen? The crocodiles would set the zebra on their backs and swim them across like some […]

Zebra getting trampled in the Mara River.

Animals | | hangbony

Filmed in the great Mara river by Karen Blixen camp. The annual migration is a real survival of the fittest. Here a zebra is almost crushed to by the desperate wildebeests that are eager to climb the river banks, but through will power the zebra managed to find another route and although extremely exhausted managed […]

Slightly opening the reserved doors … Duel. Yellow ground squirrel versus steppe polecat.

Animals | | hangbony

Early in the morning, employees of the Chernye Zemli reserve and volunteers of the Russian Geographical Society, who were engaged in the improvement of the Ozerny cordon on the territory of the Mekletinsky federal reserve, witnessed an exciting spectacle! At first, their attention was attracted by the alarming shrill cries of a gopher, which were […]

Unexpected moments in wild animals. Wild animal battles.

Animals | | hangbony

Not everyone manages to survive in the wild, and when an animal breaks out of a crocodile’s teeth, I feel very happy in my soul, because there were no, albeit not for long. Saving a lion is certainly very noble, but this is a big risk on the one hand, and on the other hand, […]

Animals that Nature Has Unjustly Treated.

Animals | | hangbony

This channel is incredible, its way of narrating, its humor, the data, the quality. It’s all super. I really like how you narrate, the way you relate and give connection to each thing makes it very original, especially since you don’t come across this very often. Beyond the fact that the subject is curious, you […]

Cheetah vs Robodog – Zoo Robot Research testing world 1st – Sydney Behind the scenes.

Animals | December 7, 2021 2:44 PM | hangbony

Cheetah trying to explain to the robot: “Mate, we should team up and take out that annoying screaming kid. You operate the gates, we’ll do the rest.” Anyone else unnerved by Robodog’s skittering footsteps? That probably freaks the cheetahs out, considering nothing that size should skitter. I believe the Cheetahs behaved like that because the […]

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