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Elephant Shows Rhino Who’s Boss!

Elephant | March 4, 2022 2:39 AM | hangbony

In a recent display of dominance, an elephant asserted its authority over a rhinoceros. The incident occurred in a wildlife reserve where the two animals were observed engaging in a confrontation. The elephant, using its size and strength, was able to intimidate the rhino and establish its dominance. This behavior is not uncommon in the […]

Hippo B.ites Land Rover As Lions Attack

Animals | | hangbony

In this video it is incredible to see how a pride of lion a.ttem.pt to take d.own a fully grown hippopotamus. Watch how the hippo turns to take its f.rust.ration out on a nearby vehicle. We were awakened by the onslaught very early in the morning. As soon as the gates opened, we drove inside […]

Crocodile Fights and E.ats Crocodile

Animals | | hangbony

Most animals will only resort to c.annibalism if they’re s.tar.ving. Crocodiles on the other hand are regularly like mmmh smaller version of me? Delicious. Being Croc is rough. The day you hatch you’re only a foot long being hunted by Eagles, big fish, Lizard etc then you got little bit bigger you have to watch […]

Hyena Indirectly Saves Impala from Leopard

Animals | | hangbony

We were about to leave when a lady told us that there was a leopard hiding in the bush and he was spooking the impala herds every now and then. He had, however, been unsuccessful the whole morning. We decided to wait, and at about 14:00, he finally caught an impala. A number of impala […]

Birds Desperately Defend Their Chicks From Snake

Birds | | hangbony

Watch these birds desperately attack a boomslang snake that is i.n.v.a.d.i.n.g their nests. Birds Desperately Defend Their Chicks From Snake. Weavers nests are works of art, sturdy and strong too. F.earless little birds protecting their young at all costs. Never seen Birds stand so strong and United a.gainst the enemy. These birds should be teaching […]

Jackal Kills Stork in an Epic Battle

Birds | March 3, 2022 3:30 AM | hangbony

We were on our way out of the park via Bakubung Gate when we decided to make one last stop to view the animals and birds at Kubu Dam. I happened to notice that there was a jackal lying flat on the ground in front of us, but we were distracted by the filming of […]

Leopard Walks Right into a Lion

Animals | | hangbony

I was guiding an 18-day private safari for a honeymoon with two couples. We traveled around the country for the first 12 days, seeing magnificent vistas and encountering some wildlife. Because my friends were so enthusiastic about Etosha National Park, we decided to spend the next 5 nights there, with a safari every day. We […]

One Lioness Tries to Hunt Elephant

Elephant | | hangbony

A lioness was observed attempting to hunt an elephant. The incident was witnessed by a group of wildlife enthusiasts who were on a safari in the African savannah. The lioness was seen stalking the elephant for several minutes before making a sudden charge towards it. However, the elephant was quick to react and managed to […]

Mother Elephant Protects Calf From Tourists

Elephant | | hangbony

The maternal instincts of an elephant were on full display as a mother elephant protected her calf from a group of tourists. The incident occurred when the tourists approached the elephants too closely, causing the mother elephant to become agitated and charge towards them. The calf was shielded by the mother elephant, who used her […]

When Sucuri atta.cks cattle

Animals | | hangbony

At the end, it’s well said that the anaconda fears the man more than the other way around. In truth, all creatures have this trait. The i.ssue, my buddy, is that currently there’s a boa constrictor, and after a while, an anaconda emerges h.ungry, and after that, others appear, by faro. Hopefully not, but it […]

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