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Beautiful red, orange and yellow cuts combine to create stunning birds

Birds | February 9, 2022 8:57 AM | hangbony

He’s a gorgeous brilliant yellow bird with black wings, back, and red crown, as well as splashes of vibrant red on the breast. The band-tailed manakin (Pipra fasciicauda) belongs to the Pipridae family of birds. The male Band-tailed Manakin has a vivid red crown that spreads down the back and sides of the neck. The […]

Luxurious blue tassels combined with beautiful shades of green, green, yellow and pink!

Birds | | hangbony

Domestic forms can be mostly blue or even yellow, whereas wild members have bright blue rumps and leaf green bodies. Agapornis roseicollis (rosy-faced lovebird), also known as the rosy-collared or peach-faced lovebird. Peachface is a tiny parrot with an average length of 15cm. Numerous color mutations have emerged as a result of this bird’s popularity […]

When black first appears, it is not until the fire touches his blows that you see a pleasant combination. Surprise of green and purple – meet the amazing sunshine!

Birds | | hangbony

At first, the plumage appears all black, but once the light touches it, green and maroon iridescent patches appear! The amethyst sunbird, commonly known as the black sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina), is a Nectariniidae family passerine bird. The male and female of a sexual dichromatic animal have different colored plumage. The male is around 14 cm […]

Residents who could not be overlooked wore stunning red wine suits and black ivory covered by Turkish banknotes – Meet the black and red promotion!

Birds | | hangbony

Wearing midnight black with long white slashes on each wing, wine-red underparts, and a black chinstrap, they are an obvious occupant of their habitat. The Eurylaimidae family includes the black-and-red broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos). The black-and-red broadbill is a big broadbill with unusual plumage that makes it difficult to confuse with any other species in its […]

The beak, which covers the tail in yellow and green, makes the bird stand on a path that other birds can not. Yes!

Birds | | hangbony

Against a coat of jet-black and green feathers, a bright yellow breast sticks out. The common iora (Aegithina tiphia) is a little passerine bird that has dark green to black upper portions during the breeding season when the male is striving to look his best. His wings have white wing bars, his tail is blackish, […]

Porcupine in Action: Porcupine vs Cheetah, Dog, Leopard and Snake

Animals | | hangbony

In this video, we will watch the epic battles of a porcupine with a dog, a cheetah, a snake, and a leopard. Porcupines are quite friendly and inquisitive creatures, despite their intimidating appearance. The coat of the porcupine is very diverse: hard, sharp, and long needles at the back, elastic bristles in the center, and […]

Hyenas D.ie T.ragic when They are To D.espise Lion, The Lion Is Too D.angerous, Lion Hyena Leopard

Animals | February 8, 2022 3:21 PM | hangbony

After watching thousands of hours of Animals documentaries i concluded, this is the greatest scene to ever be recorded. 1:17 – Now THAT’S back up. Her pride literally s.av.ed her. She was a goner with hyena b.ites. BUT pause at 1:23 – There’s 4, yes FOUR lionesses on 1, yes ONE hyena. They k.illed it. […]

Tiger Cannot A.ttack Monkey On Trees , Tigers Were Helpless At The Wisdom Of Monkey , Tiger A.ttack

Animals | | hangbony

Monkey the only animal which lives both in tree and land .The fingers are very helpful for the money to climb the tree and fetch the branches with grip and firmly . More over the position of eyes frontal like humans but the position of eyes of other animals are sidel like birds eye view […]

A strange bird that can never be forgotten is often described as a cross between a small crow and a colored sock. Bright!

Birds | | hangbony

A distinctive bird with an incandescent head that has been characterized as like a hybrid between a little crow and a brightly colored tube sock! The bristled shrike, bald-headed crow, and bald-headed wood-shrike are all names for the Bornean bristlehead (Pityriasis gymnocephala). The genus Pityriasis is the only member of the passerine Pityriasidae family. This […]

Amazing colorful bird with a stunning combination of orange and black that looks like orange – orange thing!

Birds | | hangbony

A large bright orange bird with a black bib and a pair of eye-catching brilliant blue spectacles. The orange-backed troupial (Icterus croconotus) belongs to the Icteridae family of birds. Apart from a black face, wings, bib, and tail, this is a vivid orange. The secondary wing feathers have a tiny white spot. A blazing orange […]

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