Careless Capybara gets Caught by Jaguar

Jaguars in the Pantanal, in Brazil, feed mainly on caiman crocodiles, but they do catch Capybaras from time to time. In this incredible sighting, the Capybaras were just too close to the Jaguar to resist, and she got her timing spot on.

The Capybara made a d.ash for the river, but u.ltim.ately came up short, and d.esp.ite an amazing effort, succumbed to the s.tren.gth and sheer power of the Jaguar.

That’s c.razy how strong the b.ite force is.. Notice the Jaguar didn’t even really use its arms and legs until it got into the bushes.

It’s how capybaras belong to the same family as rodents. Imagine seeing a rat that big in your kitchen.